Healing Through Purpose and Beauty

Words by Sumer Al-Ahdali

Birds are messengers across the world and definitely helped me personally through some of my roughest times. When I was quietly in the birthing process of the Bird Kin Messenger deck, I was told in a tarot reading that this deck was an initiation to my life’s work.

Being a Middle Eastern/Indigenous woman, feeling very fluid in femininity, masculinity, inhabiting a human body yet remembering that I came from the stars I’ve spent many years working navigating the intersection of many identities.


As someone who has spent most of my life supporting other people’s dream, musing for others I get to use my inner fire to create the things I love. I understand that living my authentic purpose, serves others in their healing.

The writing I did for the Bird Kin deck takes all the heartaches and breakthroughs in my healing journey and molds them into a gentle palatable way to assist others on their path.

I felt supported by spirit every step from having Karma Leigh on board as the illustrator, a super talented artist and friend, to now hearing people reach out and say how much they resonate with the cards.

Its humbling having people share their personal stories and experiences with our feathered relatives or telling us how the deck helped them during emotionally heavy times.

I made a promise to spirit to be seen, heard, and hopefully speak to others that could educate and advocate for the birds, for this land. Healing, truth, and beauty finally get to be the focal point of my life and I feel so blessed.


Sumer (@sumerwhattup) #birdkin #tarot #film #womanstories #denverphotography


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